How it works
Create an account​
Use your email address or phone number to create your JC Volunteer Together Platform (JCVTP) account.
Connect Volunteer Matching Platform accounts​
Connect your JCVTP account to your existing Volunteer Matching Platform (VMP) account(s) to consolidate all volunteer records.​
Browse volunteering opportunities​
Discover various volunteering opportunities featured on JCVTP.​
Join and go volunteering​
If your application is successful, please remember to attend your volunteer session on time.​
Wait for your volunteer hours to be approved
Approved volunteer records will be shown in your account within 5 business days of the records being input by VMPs. Please see FAQ for more details.
Get recognised​
Volunteers can receive recognition by accumulating volunteer hours throughout the year. Surprises await as a token of appreciation! Act now and join as the member of JC Volunteer Together Platform!
Social Career 社職
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